GDP Growth – USA and GER
GDP Growth Rates for the USA and Germany (2019 Q4) Although advance growth estimates were released previously, I preferred to wait for the third estimates for a healthier analysis – which are released on March 26. According to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) real gross domestic production (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 2,1% in the third quarter of the year 2019. Compared to the same period of last year, the growth rate is 2,3%. The engines of growth are; positive contributions from personal consumption expenditures, private inventory investments, exports, residential fixes investment and federal/local government spending. At the above graph, I have plotted the percentage change…
GDP Growth – USA and GER
GDP Growth Rates are revealed for the USA and Germany (2019 Q2) Today we had two important data on the gross domestic production (GDP) figures from the leading economies. Firstly the US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) has released the GDP growth figures and than German Statistics Federal Office (DESTATIS) followed it. Both figures indicate a contraction compared to previous period, but let’s have a closer look. At the above graph, I have plotted the percentage change in GDP values both annually and quarterly. Figures are seasonally adjusted and chained to a reference year. Annual changes, which compares the data with the same quarter of the previous year, are represented…