• Economy,  Stock Analysis,  Various

    Şişecam 2023/q4

    Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.Ş. was founded in 1935 by İş Bank and currently consists of a holding company with 56 subsidiaries, 1 joint venture (Rudnik Krecnjaka Vijenac D.O.O.), 3 associates (Saint Gobain Glass Egypt S.A.E, ICRON Teknoloji Bilişim Anonim Şirketi and Solvay Sisecam Holding AG) and 2 joint activities (Pacific Soda LLC and Stockton Soda Ash Port LLC). Şişecam is among the world’s most prestigious manufacturers and with its 89 years of corporate history, it has a considerable experience and high degree of specialisation. As a global company Şişecam has production activities spanning 14 countries on 4 continents, and sales in more than 150 countries. Following the merger,…

  • Economy,  Stock Analysis

    ŞİŞECAM 2023/q2

    Thread in TurkishTürkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.Ş. was founded in 1935 by İş Bank and currently consists of a holding company with 57 subsidiaries, 1 joint venture (Rudnik Krecnjaka Vijenac D.O.O.), 2 associates (Saint Gobain Glass Egypt S.A.E and Solvay Sisecam Holding AG) and 2 joint activity (Pacific Soda LLC and Denmar US LLC). Şişecam is among the world’s most prestigious manufacturers and with its 88 years of corporate history, it has a considerable experience and high degree of specialisation. As a global company Şişecam has production activities spanning 14 countries on 4 continents, and sales in more than 150 countries. Following the merger, which was completed as of…

  • Economy,  Stock Analysis

    ŞİŞECAM Valuation 2023/q1

    Thread in TurkishTürkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.Ş. was founded in 1936 by İş Bank and currently consists of a holding company with 57 subsidiaries, 1 joint venture 2 associates and 1 joint activity. Şişecam is among the world’s most prestigious manufacturers and with its 87 years of corporate history, it has a considerable experience and high degree of specialisation. As a global company Şişecam has production activities spanning 14 countries on four continents, and sales in more than 150 countries. Following the merger, which was completed as of 01 October 2020, Şişecam aims to become one of the top three global producers in all its core business lines. As…

  • Book Reviews,  Economy,  Stock Analysis

    ŞİŞECAM Değerlemesi 2021/q1

    Soda Sanayi A.Ş. şirketini 2019 yılı sonlarına doğru incelediğimde gerek finansal sağlamlığı gerekse de büyüme potansiyeli bakımından çok beğenmiş ve portföyüme tereddütsüz eklemiştim. Aradan geçen sürede Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.Ş. için birleşme duyurusu yapılmış ve bu süreci de yakından takip ederek İngilizce olarak aktarmıştım. Süreç sonunda hisselerimi tutmaya karar vermiş, ancak önemli bir alım işlemi de yapmamıştım. 2021 yılının Şubat-Mart döneminde de Profesör Aswath Damodaran‘ın Narrative & Numbers adlı kitabının çevirisine başlamadan önce Türkiye’den büyük şirketlerden bazılarını tekrar ve kitaptaki formata uygun biçimde indirgenmiş nakit akışları yöntemiyle değerledim. Nisan ayında elde ettiğim sonuçlar sonrasında da kendi risk/getiri tercihlerime uygun bulduğum çerçevede alımlar yapmıştım. Ardından 2021 yılının ilk çeyrek…

  • Economy,  Stock Analysis

    About Şişecam Merger

    Notes on the Merger Although I take notes for myself on many aspects of life and share some of them via this blog, I prefer to keep company and stock analyses for myself – unless they have educational purposes or there is a common interest on the issue. For example, I have previously written on Migros to contribute on how to conduct a financial analysis and on Starbucks to understand negative owner’s equity. As the Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.Ş. provided us with more information on the merger on April 28th, 2020 through a webcast, I wanted to pass my notes about the process from the beginning, which also…